[Tech1] iMac memory

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 05:19:52 CST 2020

On 29/01/2020 22:30, John Howell via Tech1 wrote:
> it looks like my meagre 8GBs is not even sufficient for the basic OS 
> so I put in a shed load and now have 40Gbs,

That is a serious amount of memory!

It prompted me to try testing out my system a little (discovering in the 
processor that I put in 16GB RAM, not 8).  I ran Performance Monitor and 
rendered some opening titles, for this U3A piece - 
It briefly maxed out my Core i5 9600K processor, but didn't use all the RAM.

Has anyone yet tried a super new wizzo NVMe M2 SSD  (like this - 
https://bit.ly/2RC5a7s)?   My new Gigabyte motherboard has slots for two 
of them, but I haven't got as far as trying them out yet.


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