[Tech1] No longer Re: iMac

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Fri Jan 24 06:07:07 CST 2020

Oh, Cars, I see. Ignore my last message. I thought we were talking about home computing.
Do you mean to say you don’t tune it by ear, like we did our twin SU’s?
Must admit though, Megasquirt had me worried there for a moment!
Sent from my iPad mini 5

> On 24 Jan 2020, at 11:21, Dave Plowman via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> In article <9f850efd-7736-568d-4b15-80f37de19c43 at ntlworld.com>,
>   Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> Trying to work out what Megasquirt actually is, I watched some YouTubes. 
>> They seem to be using laptops in cars to do whatever it does.
> My old car is a Rover SD1 EFI, the last version of the SD1, which is
> fitted with Lucas fuel injection. It is a pretty crude analogue system,
> with many parts now hard to find new or good used. 
> Converting to MS is pretty simple. I did my car some 12 years ago - and
> built MS from a kit, to save money. And got rather enthusiastic about it,
> as a hobby. It can be easily mapped to anything you want, unlike the
> original Lucas system which is pretty well factory or nothing. I've also
> got rid of the distributor and have programmable wasted spark ignition.
> Then discovered there was a reasonable market for repairs and mods to MS.
> Plenty petrol heads that think nothing of ripping an engine apart are
> often totally lost with car electrics.
> The serial link to my PC on the other side of the workshop from the bench
> simply works. Unlike a USB to serial converter. I have a duplicate monitor
> above the workbench. A laptop on the bench would likely be too easy to
> damage. This is only really used for diagnostics and re-loading software.
> For tuning on the car a laptop is fine. But I don't do that for others.
> -- 
> *What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
>    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12
> -- 
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