[Tech1] Earlies

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Thu Jan 16 10:28:21 CST 2020

On 16/01/2020 16:11, patheigham via Tech1 wrote:
> ..I assume that Jim is Atkinson, who reckoned he taught me camera 
> operation in 30 mins flat. No wonder I went to Sound...
Yes Jim was a martinet, but he could unquestionably do the job, and I 
quite enjoyed bashing for him and cooperating with is little games. He 
would nip off during an unimportant part of a rehearsal for a smoke in 
the tech store, and expected you to offer up his previously rehearsed 
shots when necessary. He would sneakily have a monitor close at hand so 
knew if you had got it wrong.

A harsh task-master in some respects but I learnt a lot very quickly. 
Perhaps I was lucky that I never got the ratty end of him.

Chris Woolf

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