[Tech1] Mastermind was Christine Keeler was Image Orthicon tubes

Mike Giles mibridge at mac.com
Tue Jan 14 13:46:50 CST 2020

Does it annoy anyone else that the VR2 (or modern equivalent) which is presumably just there as a standby, rarely seems to be pointing at the participant’s mouth? Perhaps it’s only set dressing and isn’t placed by a Sound Assistant.

Mike G

> On 14 Jan 2020, at 19:29, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Much enjoying the Christine Keeler drama (BBC 1 Sundays)
> Nicely shot with no wobblyscope and the audio is good, too.
> Last weeks, (12/01) had a TV interview set and I was pleased to see that the cameras were the EMI green ones.
> Think they were indeed correct?
> Not too certain that the mic in the boom was a C28, then maybe we used only the 4033.
> Any better memories than mine?
> Pat
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