[Tech1] 'Smart' meters

Alasdair Lawrance alawrance1 at me.com
Sat Jan 11 15:26:18 CST 2020

Agree, Dave, but most people appear quite unaware of the potential consequences of these gadgets.

They will relay whatever your listening to (and/or therefore watching) as well as ordering stuff from Amazon if you’re not careful.

And imagine the outcry if government of any persuasion said we should have an Alexa type box in every room in the house.

And I won’t mention Fitbit and the like, and what they are collecting about you.....!

Alasdair Lawrance

Don’t blame me, I voted Remain.

> On 11 Jan 2020, at 21:14, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Many years ago, before the recent craze to have these installed ,I opted to have a similar device fitted. The man came, couldn't get any reception from the Orange phone network in my understairs cupboard, and went away. Lateron, I was given a clamp-on device by EDF which told me how much electricity I was using at any one time and , if I could have programmed the unit price into it, how much I was spending!  So what? That was the last I heard until this latest push, I haven't bothered since because I know that if I leave a fan heater going it will cost more than a room light and so on. Common sense is all it takes and I don't want a 'Big Brother' in my house knowing what I am using or not. Beware Alexa-type devices which listen in to your conversations so that you can be targetted with local ads. etc. The world has gone control mad! I have spoke!  Cheers, Dave
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