[Tech1] My favourite one shot take and 1917

David Buckley david.jasma at sky.com
Wed Feb 12 05:32:52 CST 2020

Some friends of ours went on a cruise which took in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. When they came back, they lent me the DVD of the Russian Ark, which had a very interesting 'How they did it' video on it.
The video recorder was a box of hard drives on wheels which was 'hard wired' to the camera and was pushed around to follow the camera during the shoot. The end result is take three after two false starts.
Here in Dumfries, the local Odeon closed not so long ago. However, we have a very pleasant council run 60 seater cinema which produces a programme  every month covering a wide range of films. 

Later this month, 1917 is on 13 times over nine days, so my wife and I are hoping to get along to see it. Prices vary a bit - normally £7.50 but can hit £12 for specials such as 42nd Street which we saw end of last year. The cinema ran 2001 last year for a few days (with an interval), and it was a pleasure to see the film again without being blown out of my seat by the sound level, which was one of the complaints about the Odeon. In fact, I had forgotten how good 2001 was on the big screen!
Dave Buckley
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