[Tech1] [SPAM?] Re: New TV recomendations

John Nottage jpn at imixmics.co.uk
Sat Feb 8 10:59:37 CST 2020

My Panasonic TV is a few years old & has just stopped showing iPlayer, 
which was the only built-in item I used. Luckily, a year or so ago I 
bought a Chromecast plug-in thingy to try & watch some Chan 4 prog on 
catch-up. I haven't used it since - till now. I found I could get all 
the Catch-up apps on my phone & "cast" them to the TV. Once it's "cast" 
you can use the phone as usual. Very happy with that, & it seems fairly 


On 08/02/2020 16:29, Peter Fox via Tech1 wrote:
> There’s a Panasonic TX55GZ950 OLED selling for around £1499 (was 1259 at Christmas) currently but it’s 55 inches which is the smallest OLED (TV) available. Until LG, who make all the screens for Philips Panasonic Samsung etc, start making, maybe, a 48 inch during this year. Then you’ll have wait months for the price to drop to a sensible level. OLED gives black blacks because the leds are self illuminating so can be switched off. whereas the the ‘normal’ leds and qleds have backlights or edge lights so you get a bit of unwanted edge illumination or perhaps greyness in dark scenes. However 95% of the time you wont see it and they are a bit brighter if you watch telly with the lights on. And Full HD now means its not very HD as 4k is the new norm, if you want to use Blurays or watch David Attenborough. You are opening a can of worms when you start delving into this and a headache is inevitable. You could do what we do and just use the telly to tune into and listen to ClassicFM off freesat which, at 196 Mhz is about as good as it gets.
> Peter Fox
>> On 8 Feb 2020, at 15:36, David Lawson via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I know this subject has been discussed in the past but I can’t find any posting which means they would have been quite old by now.
>> I’m looking to replace my 10ish year old 38in with a 49/50in smart tv so I thought I could ask the experts.
>> What features are worth having and what are a waste of space.
>> If your crystal ball is up to it, what new features are likely to be worth having.
>> Now that should start a few good discussions/arguments.
>> Thanks in advance for your great wisdom before my brain melts searching the internet.
>> Dave Lawson
>> -- 
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