[Tech1] RI Christmas lectures audio

Dave Plowman davesound at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 31 04:49:29 CST 2020

In article <e9b80b80-fa56-b8a4-f8a3-c98c0043b2ef at btinternet.com>,
   Hugh Sheppard via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Oh My!!  Am I looking forward to learning why indistinct speech is the 
> bane of so many 'shows' nowadays.  Recordings from 50 years ago are so 
> much better, giving the lie to it all being down to my hearing. Only 
> News programmes generally escape the criticism.  If it was a 
> post-production problem, wouldn't the vision and/or any background music 
> also suffer?

It's interesting to listen to R4 FreeView - so pretty well the same chain
as you use for TV progs.

Speech 'quality' on that seems to me the same as ever. Can't remember ever
listening to a drama there where I couldn't easily understand the dialogue.

Which begs the question as to why it seems to happen so often on TV?

It's certainly the case that 'top' has gone out of fashion on so much pop
music stuff. I'd guess some think it takes them away from 'digital' and
back to analogue. Wrongly so. And perhaps this thinking gets transferred
to much TV sound?

And it also applies to news and current affairs sometimes. BBC1 news is
very variable. It often sounds like a personal mic used 'flat'. And a worn
out one at that.

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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