[Tech1] Windows 10

Dave Plowman davesound at btinternet.com
Sun Dec 20 08:46:41 CST 2020

In article <003701d6d6ca$85af14b0$910d3e10$@gmail.com>,
   geoff.hawkes134--- via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I‘m on Windows 10 and use Office 365 with an annual subscription. An
> annoying problem I have is that when printing, the margins don‘t align
> as they do on screen and worse, when printing Avery labels using the
> label feature on Word, they look OK on the screen, but don‘t line up
> when printed and overscan the labels. By adjusting the margins, trial
> and error and doing a dummy print on plain paper to save the labels, I
> can just about make it work but it‘s a struggle. I decided to give up
> and hand write the envelopes on my Christmas cards instead of using the
> labels I keep on file from year to year.

> Has anyone else met this problem? My printer is an HP deskjet 990cxi.
> Could it be the printer drivers that need updating?

Funny, isn't it - not. Something so simple as printing text - that even
the earliest computers could cope with - gives problems with the latest

Of course printer drivers were always something of a nightmare - each new
generating seeming to need new ones, even when they printed much the same.

I do wonder if it's to some extent deliberate. Make sure nothing is

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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