[Tech1] Today's walk

patheigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Thu Apr 23 07:34:09 CDT 2020

Seeing those lovely pics of the river reminds me that years ago, a girlfriend and I decided to do a walk, from a book, along the towpath of the Wey, starting from Ripley Ware (sorry – weir). I had a bag of bread to feed any ducks we came across.
Leaning on the rail, watching the water, became aware of a nosing of the bag. A lovely black lab was clearly interested.
Looking around for an owner, and seeing none, attempted to shoo him away. Not a bit of it. He set off with us, obviously deciding that here were people going for a sensible walk. He wandered ahead of us, enjoying the path side smells and frequently taking a dip in the water. The route of the walk left the towpath, into a small churchyard and it wasn’t clear as to the exit. Setting off in a likely direction, I called to the dog, which sat down and refused to move.  Trying another way out, he bounded up and led us on the right way! Getting back to Ripley Green I was worried about abandoning the animal, so we went up to the police station on the main road. The desk sergeant recognised the dog and said he lived in one of the cottages near the weir. Back to the green, and he jumped over the low wall and disappeared into a back door that I could see was open. On arriving home I rang the number that was on his collar disc, enquiring if the responder had a black Labrador. “Oh, lord, has he got out again?!”
Turned out that he was in the habit of going for a walk with complete strangers! But he knew the way!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Nick Ware via Tech1
Sent: 23 April 2020 09:39
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Today's walk

This is the Wey about half a mile aWay from where we lived until we moved aWay last year. Bit upstream from you. Fabulous walks where we are now, but we do miss the river. 
Sent from my iPad mini 5

On 23 Apr 2020, at 08:23, Graeme Wall via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
About a mile away

Graeme Wall

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