[Tech1] Evening walk

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 23 06:05:02 CDT 2020

Nice one, Albert, lucky Mr. Jablowski indeed! Chris Lewis (Sports Dept.) 
reckons the two things that you never get at home are Lobster Thermidor, 
and a BJ! Cheers, Dave

On 23/04/2020 10:42, Albert Barber via Tech1 wrote:
> On 20 July 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the 
> moon. One small step for man, and all that. As he was re-entering the 
> lunar landing module, mission control in Houston heard him muttering 
> something under his breath. It sounded like: 'This one's for you, Mr 
> Jablowski'. Well, there was so much else going on at the time that 
> mission control let Armstrong's remark pass for the time being; but 
> once the mission had ended successfully and the astronauts had 
> returned safely, NASA went over every millisecond of the tapes to 
> reconstruct everything that had happened. And in the course of it, the 
> NASA boffins came across Armstrong muttering 'This one's for you, Mr 
> Jablowski'. Nobody could make any sense of it whatsoever. Who was Mr 
> Jablowski? Why had Armstrong seemingly dedicated that first lunar walk 
> to him? So NASA hauled Armstrong in and asked him what it was all 
> about. In response, Armstrong told NASA how, as a kid, he had been 
> brought up in a fairly poor family in Cleveland, Ohio. They lived in 
> an apartment in a rather run-down tenement block in the city that had 
> been built on the cheap and that did not have adequate soundproofing 
> in the walls that divided one apartment from the next. If voices were 
> raised, people could hear all too clearly what their neighbours were 
> saying. In the apartment next to the Armstrongs was a Polish couple, 
> Mr and Mrs Jablowski, and they were always rowing. One night, as the 
> young Neil Armstrong was trying to get to sleep, the Jablowskis were 
> having the grandmother and grandfather of a row - and suddenly, in the 
> middle of it, Neil heard Mrs Jablowski yelling at the top of her 
> voice: 'Oral sex? You want oral sex? Huh - the day the kid next door 
> walks on the moon is the day you get oral sex’.
>> On 22 Apr 2020, at 20:46, techtone via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
>> <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:
>> A couple of nights ago, walk up the lane and look out over the fence.
>> TeaTeaFN - Tony
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