[Tech1] FW: some advice please

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Sun Apr 19 14:30:42 CDT 2020

Sometimes it’s best just not to get involved........
But I do recommend Theatre of Blood, though.
Just Google “Theatre of Blood cast” and you’ll see why!

Sent from my iPad mini 5

On 19 Apr 2020, at 19:53, ROGER BUNCE via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

And I was just about to type out a whole scene from "The Quatermass Experiment", just because it was set in an O.B. Scanner!

luv, Rog.

On Sunday, 19 April 2020, 18:47:10 BST, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

After all that effort, us dogs got the wrong tree!

As Adele had said she was looking for advice, as I had worked in television, I assumed it was TV, not radio.

I was wondering if I could pick your brains on behalf of a friend please? Clive and Brian suggested I get in touch with you as you worked in television. She needs to write some authentic ADR for a scene set in the 1940’s for a TV show.


But thank you, everyone for replying – Nick, you were quite right, more info was obviously required. At my age I had a premature ‘reaction’.


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From: Kate<mailto:kitslaw at gmail.com>
Sent: 19 April 2020 18:22
To: Adele Fletcher<mailto:mail at adelefletcher.com>
Cc: patheigham<mailto:pat.heigham at amps.net>
Subject: Re: some advice please

Thanks so much to both of you on this sunny weekend. I probably wasn’t clear enough in my original query as it’s an outside radio broadcast but we are obviously watching it be recorded/broadcast. So sorry. I’ve got some possibilities from another lead though.

Thanks again.



Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Apr 2020, at 16:48, Adele Fletcher <mail at adelefletcher.com> wrote:

Pat, thank you so much for all the effort you put into following this up on my behalf.

Very helpful, many thanks!


- - -

Adele Fletcher

Dialogue + ADR Editor


07775 897544

On 19 Apr 2020, at 13:44, patheigham <pat.heigham at amps.net> wrote:

Hi Adele,

Here’s a digest of what my ex-BBC colleagues have rendered.

It’s a Word document so can be easily printed out.



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