[Tech1] Different topic

Hugh Sheppard hughsheppard at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 11 03:10:02 CDT 2020

And some of us, lucky enough to have known Rex Moorfoot as the man who 
'made' Television Presentation, may recall his edict that the patronage 
of 'We' and 'you' should have no place in the relationship of BBC-TV 
with its audience. For 'we' are but members of that audience ourselves, 
albeit in the fortunate position of knowing what delights are in store.

Those were the days, my friends.


On 10-Apr-20 11:00 PM, Brian Curtis via Tech1 wrote:
> Like Pat I found the advert with the little girl playing football with 
> the blind dad very moving. When I saw it the first time I wondered why 
> the girl was mimicking a football commentator by shouting out her 
> every move - "moving down the outside, past the defence, and shoots" 
> etc but that makes the end all the more moving!
> As for the phrase "After the break" when I was working for Premier 
> radio in London, the Head of Programming always taught all the  
> presenters (which included me occasionally) to avoid that phrase with 
> alternatives like "We've got xxxx for you very soon" or "xxxx in just 
> a moment" etc. He say try to avoid the word "break" as much as 
> possible as it put the idea in the audience mind that an advert was 
> not part of our programming which obviously to pay the rent it was!
> Take care, stay safe.
> Cheers
> Brian Curtis
> On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 21:07, patheigham via Tech1 
> <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:
>     In this trying time, I wondered what phrase heard on TV might be
>     most hated?
>     For me, it’s “After the break” As I can then expect to sit through
>     five or ten minutes of commercials.
>     (I shouldn’t decry those, as I earned quite a lot of money working
>     on them!)
>     One that is currently showing, I think is excellent, and reduces
>     me to tears –
>     The little girl playing football, her dad tells her she was great,
>     then a wide shot shows that he has a guide dog – he’s blind.
>     Pat
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