[Tech1] Deserted London

Martin Eccles martin at theeccles.uk
Tue Apr 7 07:59:34 CDT 2020

Not to mention the ease of location sound recording with no mighty roar of London’s traffic.



From: Tech1 <tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of ROGER BUNCE via Tech1
Sent: 07 April 2020 13:35
To: Tech-Ops-chit-chat <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Subject: [Tech1] Deserted London


Hi All,


Some rather moving video of Lock-Down London, shot by Gordon Findlay (BBC N&CA) from his bike -


Youtube:  <https://youtu.be/zK6oFsZNR5Q?fbclid=IwAR1p7l9iaekLtjdSb6C1p8zFmVlgVqA95fQEZ_ajwMoOmw4r_dwWJCh2NXE> https://youtu.be/zK6oFsZNR5Q ]


This would be an ideal time to reshoot 'Day of the Triffids' or other movies which require scenes of deserted London.


luv, Rog.

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