[Tech1] help! Colour correction on 35mm negs?

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Mon Apr 6 11:51:13 CDT 2020

Hi Gary,

I assume you have one or other version of Photoshop Elements rather than the ‘get a bank loan full version’. I currently use Elements 2018 in which (in Expert rather than Quick mode) you can select Enhance > Colour > Remove Colour Cast. Click on a part of your image that should be white and assess the change introduced. You can easily reset if you are not happy and try an alternative area to click on. Superficially similar colour areas in the image often produce very different results and sometimes if you zoom in on your image you can utilise a very small feature to click on with some benefit.

Earlier versions of Elements had different paths to the ‘Remove a Colour Cast’ feature but are likely to be equally effective.

Good luck and I hope I’m not insulting by mentioning something you already knew,

Dave Newbitt.

From: Gary Critcher via Tech1 
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 4:40 PM
To: Tech-Ops-chit-chat 
Subject: [Tech1] help! Colour correction on 35mm negs?

lads, please take a look at the attached two scans from some 1985 colour negs.
The whole film (s) are scanning like this, the film is some sort of funny Kodak film.
There is nothing on the neg strips to tell me what the film is.

  Can anyone, in layman's terms, tell how I can 'white balance' these scans so that the whites are actually white??
At the moment they are all slightly blue, as you can see on the white engine cover of the car.

I have already done an 'Auto Colour', 'Auto Contrast' and 'Auto Tone' in Photoshop on them and that usually improves things no end but not this time.


Hope you are all staying safe (and sane).

all the best,
    Gary C

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