[Tech1] Luxury cruising

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 02:21:21 CDT 2019

I've been using just the phone on holiday for several years now.


On Mon, 21 Oct 2019, 09:17 Paul Thackray via Tech1, <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>

> Which ever cameras you choose, take extra batteries. I went 15 years ago
> and found battery life at low temps was annoyingly short.
> It does depend just where about s you are going, but I found some areas
> were muddy, not icy. I found wellington boots essential to get from a
> Zodiac on to land (Always a few ins of water to cross) and on to the land
> where it was a mix of mud and what the penguins had done (As they moult at
> that time of year , so can not go in the sea, everything has to be done on
> land.... )
> Finding someone else to clean your boots can also be helpful !
> Paul
> On 21/10/2019 08:00, Sara Newman via Tech1 wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am off to Antarctica in February and would like to take a camera which
> takes video as well as stills, is not too heavy and bulky. In all honesty
> for the last few years I have used my phone and a cheap Fuji for when I am
> in the water snorkelling which needs replacing. I would welcome any input
> from the group. We will be out on the ice /in Zodiac and kayaking so needs
> to be waterproof/ have waterproof casing Is GoPro 7 Hero any good. Hope
> everyone is well and Thank you
> Sarax
> Sent from my iPad
> On 16 Oct 2019, at 18:47, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
> wrote:
> Actually, Yes!
> I was booked to record Denis Norden’s links for the 25th anniversary of
> ‘It’ll be Alright on the Night’
> Denis wanted to film it in the Sargasso sea, as that was where stuff
> disappeared, like the outtakes!
> A location manager was dispatched to the Caribbean to charter a boat, but
> the turnaround time was
> just one day, so LWT was out of luck, there.
> As a second string, a gin palace was chartered for a day out of Monte
> Carlo, and set sail into the Med
> so far from shore that no land was visible whichever way the camera
> pointed.
> I managed to get clean dialogue from Denis, wherever on the boat, so that
> the director rang me at home:
> “I can’t hear the engines, Pat!”
> “Good” I said, “I’ve recorded FX tracks all around the ship so you can dub
> in what you wish”.
> (This was from my film industry background, in that one goes for cleanest
> dialogue)
> The boat’s staff fed us very well, but I had a horrendous hangover from
> inadvisable imbibing from the night before.
> Still managed to do the job!
> I was startled to see that the captain steered the boat with a single knob
> on an Eddystone box!
> There was a wheel fastened in front of him but it was a cardboard prop.
> I can’t understand these billionaires going to sea in what is a hotel
> suite.
> Yachting is about heaving on the halliards and getting wet and
> uncomfortable, innit!
> An aside:
> On the Michael Winner film “Firepower”, we arrived at  English Harbour in
> Antigua, for a sequence.
> Coco Chanel’s yacht was right in centre of the shot. MW was apoplectic, as
> he had stipulated that he had
> ‘carte blanche’ on the location.
> He got it shifted!
> I admire him for that although in other ways he was less than a decent
> fellow.
> Pat
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *David Newbitt via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
> *Sent: *16 October 2019 16:35
> *To: *tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
> *Subject: *[Tech1] Luxury cruising
>  I fell to wondering if any of you have ever been on anything of the type?
> Dave Newbitt.
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> Paul Thackray
> PGT Media Consulting Ltd.
> +44 7802 243979
> Mail; paul at pgtmedia.co.uk
> Web; http://www.pgtmedia.co.uk
> Linkedin;   http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/paul-thackray/19/379/746
> IMDB; http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1488554/
> --
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