[Tech1] Concorde

Mike Jordan mikej at bmanor.co.uk
Fri Oct 11 05:48:18 CDT 2019

Not strictly Concorde but seeing the first line of Alan's posting reminds me 
of when I was in OBs working on Farnborough Air Show we (in old days) had a 
GPO line from some sort of building right next to the main runway for audio 
(or was it video) back to the scanner at main site up on the hill.
One of my jobs was to go out to that building and check out the line.
So there I was sitting peacefully with my portable tone source when a flock 
of Harriers (RAF not birds!) decided to take off and I can tell you they are 
VERY noisy at a short distance with full throttle.

Sorry can't hear you - and that isn't just the 15.625Kc/s notch filter in my 
ears from working close to monitors for years. (after 10.125Kc/s for 405 


-----Original Message----- 
From: Alan Taylor via Tech1
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 11:18 AM
To: Tech-Ops-chit-chat
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Concorde

When Concorde was being developed, there was a study to assess what sort of 
effect sonic booms might have on buildings.  They built a sonic boom 
simulator in Farnborough and we did a Tomorrow's World story from there.

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