[Tech1] A YouTube for you

ROGER BUNCE rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 9 06:35:09 CDT 2019

 The Ped-Ant within me is rising- Steaming. Two so-called 'journalists' confusing themselves because of their inaccurate use of vocabulary - call themselves wordsmiths?
Firstly, they fail to distinguish between criticism of  'The BBC' and criticism of 'BBC Management'. I disapprove of the first, but regard the second as compulsory.
Secondly -Some time ago, I was filling in a computerised application form for the British Library. It asked, "What is you Gender? Male or Female."To which I wanted to scream - "Those aren't Genders! Those are Sexes! Why is everyone afraid of the word SEX these days? Masculine and Feminine are Genders. Male and Female are Sexes! If you want to know my Gender, the answer is - 'Mostly Masculine, but I like to think I'm in touch with my Feminine side'. But you just want to know whether I've got a Y Chromosome - which is my SEX!"
Here, Rod Liddle and John Humphrys are confusing themselves because of the same failure to distinguish between Sex and Gender. There are only two Sexes (Male and Female - XX and XY Chromosomes) - with a small minority of biologically ambiguous situations in between. But there are a broad spectrum of Genders. O.K., language changes over time. American Feminists, in the 1970s, started to use 'Gender" when they meant 'Sex', and today the distinction is blurred. But if that distinction were restored, BBC Journalists might have a better understanding of the diversity within our midst.
luv, Rog. 
     On Tuesday, 8 October 2019, 23:31:16 BST, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:  
 A conversation between Rod Liddle and John Humphrys, mostly about their opinion of BBC management. You may identify with the opinions, but probably not with the camerawork - 
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