[Tech1] Clip of 'lost' Beatles Top of the Pops performance unearthed - BBC News

patheigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Sun Oct 6 09:09:00 CDT 2019

Beatles on Pops & Lenny

My Beatles Story: I worked for BBC TV Tech Ops during the '60's and on a Light Entertainment crew which did "Pops & Lenny the Lion" for the kids at 5 o'clock.
Each week we used to have a pop group in to do a number - might have been Gerry & the Pacemakers, Freddie & the Dreamers - whoever.
We had a standard mic rig - covering lead, rhythm and bass guitar and drum kit, plus vocals, so it was pretty well (yawn) Oh, another lot!
I used to operate a mini-Fisher boom, located on the circle of the TV Theatre, looking after a side set on the stage apron, and during the Beatles number, for it was they, I was aware that the whole circle was vibrating. Looking round I saw that the complete teenage audience were legging it for the exits, presumably to get to the stage door.
Years later, I was recording an interview with Paul McCartney and chatting with him, told him that this had been my first exposure to The Beatles - and we had a good laugh.
Sorry that they've had their sadnesses with life and death and personal affairs, but for a couple of Liverpool lads who had their songs covered by the likes of Sinatra.....got to be good?


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: vernon.dyer via Tech1
Sent: 06 October 2019 14:10
To: tech1
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Clip of 'lost' Beatles Top of the Pops performance unearthed - BBC News

Yes, that's Ron all right; Crew 3 did some TOTPs in TC2 and then in Lime Grove G. It's a Marconi MkIV camera, so TC2, and I remember The Beatles recording a number one day, the only time I ever saw them - they trooped in in silence, did the take and were gone straightaway. Security was tight, no-one knew about it beforehand  (otherwise we'd have been besieged by fans - no way could they have appeared before a live audience).

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