[Tech1] [Announce] Sad news of Alan Kerridge

Vernon Dyer vernon.dyer at btinternet.com
Thu May 9 10:52:53 CDT 2019

Thanks Geoff, and you’re absolutely right -  I should perhaps have stressed more fully that there was nothing dubious about Alan’s words, and the way he said them; they were completely good-natured and tongue-in-cheek, as you would expect.

All these odd little memories swim back into our consciousness from time to time, and I’ve taken to jotting a few of them down now and then for my own amusement and anyone else’s who might see them.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Geoff Hawkes
Sent: 09 May 2019 12:52
To: 'Vernon Dyer'
Subject: RE: [Tech1] [Announce] Sad news of Alan Kerridge

Hi Vern,
Thanks for your message and it’s good to hear from you as I’ve had little other response so far and as I said to Dave Newbitt, I was beginning to worry that the message may not’ve got through.
While you’re right about the possible unsuitablity of your snapshot of Alan for sharing publicly, it does reflect on the sort of thing he would sometimes come out with and helps paint a picture of him. I know though that on his part it wouldn’t have been intended to be disrespectful as I’m sure he never would’ve said anything like that to the individuals themselves.

It’s funny how things like that stick in our minds and I can remember odd throwaway lines people like you, Bob Everitt and Chas Davison said on our TO course at Evesham back in the winter/spring of 1964. As you say, where did the time go?


From: Tech1 [mailto:tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk] On Behalf Of Vernon Dyer via Tech1
Sent: 09 May 2019 12:35
To: Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] [Announce] Sad news of Alan Kerridge

Sorry to hear of Alan’s passing.  We worked together only very briefly on Crew 3.  One little anecdote, probably unsuitable for Geoff to use at his service, I’m afraid:

We were doing TOTP in the mid-60s, and were watching the girls dancing in their ever-shorter skirts when Alan, talking to a group of us rather younger ones, said something like: ‘I get more out of this - you lot are used to it, but I think it’s absolutely disgusting!’ – with a broad grin on his face!

That must be at least 53 years ago  .....  where did all that time go?

Best wishes and RIP Alan  .....  Vern

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: David Newbitt via Announce
Sent: 09 May 2019 10:01
To: Geoff Hawkes; announce at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Announce] Sad news of Alan Kerridge


I'm sorry I have no specific anecdotes, but in the absence (so far as I can 
see) of anyone else's recollections, I offer this small glimpse.

I was on the same crew as Alan for a time - it might well have been Crew 7 
when Mike Bond was s/cam, but I was never a diary keeper and my memory for 
dates and places is not as reliable as it once was. Alan was rewarding to 
talk to - a quiet man as I recall who went about his job unpretentiously and 
did it very well. His observations about life and work were often quite 
erudite and I thought of him as a man of hidden depths. Sometimes his 
allusions to his private life gave the impression of sadness as though he 
was not a loner by choice though superficially he may have seemed such.

Memory plays tricks - have I remembered correctly that he was something of a 
motorbike man?

It is sad to read of his sparse family connections. In the 70's 
Epsom/Leatherhead/Ashtead was my home territory but I have been way down in 
rural Somerset for close to 40 years and am unable to swell the congregation 
numbers for his farewell. I am glad though that you are working to mark his 
passing in a fitting way - he was valuable and mattered.

Dave Newbitt

-----Original Message----- 
From: Geoff Hawkes via Announce
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 12:04 AM
To: announce at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: [Announce] Sad news of Alan Kerridge

Dear All,

I'm sorry to have to inform you that our old camera colleague, Alan Kerridge
passed away peacefully in Epsom General Hospital late on Friday 3rd May. He
had been there for about four weeks having been admitted from the care home
he was in at Leatherhead after a sudden deterioration in his health (he had
Parkinson's). I had visited him in the care home a couple of times and last
saw him in the hospital three weeks ago today (Tuesday). He was quite frail
but was glad to see me and was able to engage a little in conversation.

Details of his funeral are as yet unknown, but I am hoping to be given
opportunity to speak at it myself. With that in mind, I would like to hear
from any of you who have recollections of Alan, stories to tell, knowledge
of the shows he worked on, anything that can help build up a picture of the
man we knew, so we can do justice to him. Some of you may have been his
contemporaries, even joining at the same time, or had worked with him on the
same crew or shows and it's you in particular that I'd like to hear from, as
well as anyone else.

Alan had few relatives, all it seems were distant and it's unclear how many
will attend the funeral. I'm sure you'll agree that we can't have him go
without a proper goodbye and I hope that as many of you who can, will be
there yourselves.

Please do get in touch and I will update you as soon as I know more,


Geoff Hawkes

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