[Tech1] Colours

Dave Plowman dave at davesound.co.uk
Thu Mar 28 06:22:56 CDT 2019

In article <0b98a358-99f8-fce7-f8fd-c351dc52b8a9 at btinternet.com>,
   dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> A special treat for you younger chaps here are the colours available for 
> your bathroom appliances in 1978, the manufacturers must be so pleased 
> now that everything is back to school, hospital, prison, council, boring 
>   WHITE! Cheers, Dave. PS. My local bathroom shop has a sink in 'Sage' - 
> is the start of a coloured comeback?

I'm hoping. ;-) 

My house is Victorian, and built with a tiny bathroom with separate toilet
along side it. Behind the bathroom was a very small bedroom - more like a
boxroom - and a corridor which went past the bathroom to get to it. All
one floor of the rear addition to the house, and no load bearing walls.

Drawing that space out on the back of a fag packet not being used for a
4038, I found I could have a nice sized bathroom and increase the size of
the separate loo to make room  for a washbasin.  

Decided on a coloured suite - this was the late 70s. Neighbour owned a
plumber's merchant, and gave me a very good deal indeed for those days.

I chose what was called whisper green. Including a large cast iron bath.
White rather than chrome fittings.

I still like it so sod fashion. The next owner of this house will rip
everything out and start again. It's what people do.

*I'm not a paranoid, deranged millionaire.  Dammit, I'm a billionaire.

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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