[Tech1] Toilet talk

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Thu Mar 28 06:13:10 CDT 2019

Wonderful mixture of ancient and modern, Nick. Atop the cistern the flush button looks more like a volume control. Don’t even go there!

Dave Newbittt.

From: Nick Ware via Tech1 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 10:45 AM
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Toilet talk

Compared to that, this toilet was bog standard, but I thought the wash stand was an inspired work of art. Seen in our mud hut accomodation in Mali while on a shoot with David Attenborough (might as well name drop while I’m about it). 


Sent from my iPad

On 28 Mar 2019, at 09:53, David Newbitt via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

  OK Peter – you’ve talked me into it! Photographed these in the gents on board the SS Great Britain in Oct 2016.



  How about the Royal Crest? Eat your heart out Dave Mundy!!

  Dave Newbitt.

  From: Peter Neill via Tech1 
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 9:10 AM
  To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
  Subject: Re: [Tech1] Toilet talk

  If we’re sharing pictures of toilets, this is the Gents at a garden centre near Preston. 

  Sent from my iPhone. Apologies for typos and autocorruptions. 


  On 27 Mar 2019, at 20:58, Geoffrey Hawkes via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

    When visiting one of those wonderful full-featured toilets, symphonic or not, just make sure you don't press the button marked ATR or you could be done a serious mischief...😱 🚽 

    On 27 Mar 2019, at 17:44, Roger E Long via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

      Last time I was in Tokyo we had  a Panasonic all dancing lavatory 
      Great fun, telephone ,auto sex selection, heated seat and spray included….
      The previous time we had a Toyo auto loo, this was more basic and included stick man instruction on how to use it for' out of towners' owners used to footprint lavatorys
      I took the pictogram off the wall and had it only locker for a long time.
      It was very graphic.


        On 27 Mar 2019, at 12:03, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

        After a trip to Tokyo, I too really fancied a Washlet - https://s7d3.scene7.com/is/image/totousa/MW6142034CUFG_GAL_01 - with the arm on the side covered in obscure icons and buttons that spray and blow warm air.  Truly a life enhancing experience. When I looked it all up, it wants electricity - so fancy isolator stuff - and more water head than I have.  Also very expensive, so I gave up. My week in semi-rural Thailand the other week offered an easier solution. Toilet paper there is meant for drying only, as the soil pipes aren't fat ones like ours. Cleaning is done with the spray found by the side of most non-European-tourist Asian hotels, and everywhere else.  The hardware store by my hotel in Krabi had a wall of them in their plumbing section, so quite a deal there.

        When I got home I bought one from Amazon, as they have lots. Fitting it has been more of a deal, though I think it's sorted now.  It has a three way tap thing that you attach to the cistern inlet. You're supposed to keep the tap turned off when not using it to lessen the pressure on the spray, but  it turns out that (of course) three way taps are "handed" and mine just didn't work where it was supposed to fit. You couldn't turn the tap because there isn't room. Three days fun with plumbing has followed, though I think it's sorted now.  I'm now very much qualified to consult on toilet sprays, if anyone needs such a service.

        As Geoff says - the subjects we get on to!


        On 27/03/2019 10:48, Nick Ware via Tech1 wrote:

          All this lavatorial talk! We’ve recently moved house, and the first thing that has to go is the highly unfashionable (though the vendors thought it lovely) pink bathroom suite. The toilet has a traditional cranky old ball-cock, you’ll be pleased to hear. Odd that they kept it, as the en-suite includes a modern white loo with a bottom entry (if you’ll pardon the expression) float valve.
          We would love to offer the pink suite to anyone here for a suitably extortionate sum of money. Or maybe even for nothing if you prefer. Or perhaps you know of a prop-hire company who would like it. But come to think of it, even they probably don’t get much call for a pink bathroom suite!
          I’m rather drawn to the idea of having one of those luxurious loos that wipes, washes and air dries the derriere for you, then runs a clean change of seat cover round the rim as you leave. 
          Or maybe not.

          Sent from my iPad

          On 27 Mar 2019, at 00:35, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

            Thanks Dave, nice to know that it is legal! Sadly it cost £4 at the tip to dispose of it. I liked it, but I had ordered a double-trap siphonic bowl in 1975 and I was given a normal washdown. It took a long while for me to discover that I had been given something different! My wife has auto-immune disease of the liver which means that her poo floats and will never go down the hole! The Topaz washdown bowl doesn't encourage anything to go anywhere as it just has a lot of holes round the rim and no pressure on the contents. Hopefully the flap version dumps the water very quickly and that should sort out the problem!. Cheers, Dave

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