[Tech1] Toilet cisterns

Alasdair Lawrance alawrance1 at me.com
Wed Mar 27 14:11:21 CDT 2019

How do you know about the wet-wipes, Dave?

Sent from my iPad Pro.

> On 27 Mar 2019, at 19:06, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I agree about the Japanese seats, they are really great. Imagine our shame when our Japanese friends, on a visit to the UK, came with us to Frankie and Bennies in Kingston and the ladies toilet cubicles had broken locks on the door, poo floating in the pan, and cracked seats. When I complained the management's excuse was that they only had a 3" soil pipe! (ever heard of Saniflo macerators?) and after dreadfully slow service, although the place wasn't very busy at all. To add insult to injury they sent me a £5 voucher towards a meal costing well over £60! The Japanese are very fastidious about hygiene, even to using wet-wipes on the BJ victim at a sex show! Cheers, Dave.
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