[Tech1] Latest Animation

Graeme Wall graeme.wall at icloud.com
Wed Mar 13 07:30:21 CDT 2019

Wasn’t it Michael Bentine who first launched Big Ben into space?
Graeme Wall

> On 13 Mar 2019, at 11:49, ROGER BUNCE via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Dear All,
>     My teach-yourself animation experiments continue, and - At last, “Keybootz of Kidbrooke, part 4: War” (with a cast of thousands) has reached YouTube. Three years in the making (apparently), hours and hours in the uploading, and only 20 mins running time. This is the latest instalment of my silent animated epic - a remake of an 8mm movie which my school chums made in 1963. The jokes have not changed for 56 years but, despite their advanced age, they still manage to be childish!
> In case you didn’t spot the word SILENT above - it is. Don’t go searching for the sound, there isn’t any. I'm a bloody Cameraman! I only understand pictures, not noise.
> Cinema fans may recognise tributes to such esteemed directors as Leni Riefenstahl, Sergei Eisenstein and Cecil B. DeMille, with hints of Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg.
> This is the final prequel leading up to ‘The Battle of Beckenham’ (which I made first - and has sound).
> Keybootz of Kidbrooke, part 4: War
> Keybootz of Kidbrooke, part 4: War
> In which the wicked King Keybootz of Kidbrooke plots to conquer the whole known world - even Sidcup! (With a cas...
> In case you’ve missed the others, and are silly enough to want too watch them, ‘Keybootz of Kidbrooke,  parts 1, 2 and 3’ and the ‘The Battle of Beckenham’, are all available on YouTube.
> And is you've got a YouTube account, please give it a 'Like', even if you can't be bothered to watch it!
> luv, Rog.
> -- 
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