[Tech1] Riverside Studios R3 picture

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 20 15:03:40 CDT 2019

I think that I have told you all about how I got a copy of the picture. 
The recently deceased John Hayes had a flat in High Wycombe rented out 
to a 'lady-of the night' and he became her chauffeur. One day she had a 
morning appointment in Fulham and as it was close to lunch time, having 
full-filled her duties, she asked John if there was anywhere to eat. He 
remembered 'The Chancellors' and took her there! John saw the BBC 
pictures on the wall and asked the barman if he could get him a copy of 
the Crew 16 picture. I was working in Riverside every Thursday and 
Friday doing 'TFI Friday' for Channel 4 in my OB scanner so 'The 
Chancellors' had become my local! (We even shot a sequence in the 
landlady's apartment upstairs, the holy of holies! If you knew Bella 
you'd know what I mean, a lady made for Benidorm if ever there was 
one!). Anyway, the barman told me about John's visit so I asked him to 
get me a copy as well. He gave me John's contact details so when the 
copies has been done I rang John (who lived in Great Missenden at the 
time), and he was most surprised that I knew about his request! I 
invited him to my Thursday meeting pub in Lacey Green and I gave him his 
copy. I was pleased to see it on a picture board in his house when I 
attended his funeral recently. What a long tail our cat's got, as my 
Mother used to say! Cheers, Dave.

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