[Tech1] Riverside Studios

Mike Giles mibridge at mac.com
Fri Jul 19 02:51:22 CDT 2019

John Howell and I used a light bulb in series with a fan to adjust its speed. The bays in the World Cup studio in Mexico were tending to overheat, but the fan we had was too fast, so we tried bulbs of differing wattage to get the speed we wanted - not as scientific as the ballast resistor in the C37’s, but it worked. 

Mike G

> On 19 Jul 2019, at 07:29, Nick Ware via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Len Shorey and many other well-known pieces? I can’t say I ever thought of him as a ‘piece’!
> Who were the others? Ah, Pan’s People, no doubt!
> The light bulb in the C37. I think that was used as a thermistor, effectively a variable load in series with the spooling motors. Later machines found better ways to do that.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 19 Jul 2019, at 00:47, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> What a sad sight! All those memorable programs for many years, even before the BBC got them. We all cut our teeth on the Riverside training week to decide whether you should do cameras or sound! Laurie Duly and Keith Blair put us through our paces and we did all sorts of program exercises to determine where our skills (if any!) lay. I was told I should be a camera person, but having done three years in radio in Birmingham I really didn't want to change horses! Even after my BBC career I was still working there for Ch.4 doing 'TFI Friday' with my OB scanner and then TOTP when it moved down from Elstree. Bernie's pictures of 'The Chancellors' brought back many happy memories of Studio R3 where we had a cable over the road and a phone on the end to tell us when we were needed to work, in the 'Dr. Finlay' days! Riverside recording studio, (previously a dubbing suite, was a precursor to TMS in LG and was used to do the very first backing tracks for TOTP. I recorded the iconic 'Sportsnight' sig. tune there with Len Shorey and many other well-known pieces. The Studer C37 tape machines were unique in having editing scissors built in and a large lamp bulb inside the machine which I am still not quite sure what it's function was! Cheers, Dave
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