[Tech1] Dickie Chamberlain

Barry Bonner barrybonner119 at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 19 06:11:11 CST 2019

	Dickie was driving his Bond 3 wheeler with a Hillman Imp engine in it home one night when he was stopped by the police who had taken quite a long time to catch him.

	The policeman enquired; “Just how fast will this plastic rocket go sir?”

	He also went over a hump-backed bridge one night in his Volkswagen Beetle a bit too fast, when he “landed” he said it got very dark!  He had snapped the main wiring loom!


On 19 Jan 2019, at 11:26, David Newbitt via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

> Interesting how frequently Dickie’s name comes up in the car threads. It reminds me of his arrival at work one morning having been pulled over in Roehampton by the police who commented on the spirited nature of his driving. He reported his own response as “you don’t look like policemen”.
> Self-satisfied reply – “we catch a lot of people like that Sir!”
> Can’t remember whether the boys in blue pursued the matter. I’d have let him off for sure – what a great guy.
> Dave Newbitt.
> -- 
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