[Tech1] Domestic query

terrymeadowcroft mail at terrymeadowcroft.co.uk
Sun Jan 13 18:49:51 CST 2019

Hi folks,

When I was a kiddy, only a few ;-) years ago, my Mam (Lancashire) used 
dripping, which I guess was today's lard, and I remember after Bonfire night 
we always had 'Bovril and Dripping' Sandwiches. They were very tasty.

This was in the days when nothing you enjoyed eating was a guaranteed step 
closer to cancer.

I's still here, at 73. Mam died at 94 years old, Dad at 95. Guess we were 
lucky and we had the right genes; cancer never did threaten - despite bacon, 
eggs and sausage breakfast before being packed of to school, from the age of 
5 to 18. Mam and Dad were not smothered by threats of being guilty of just 
about everything that was wrong, as weren't we all....

I say, bring back Bovril and dripping sandwiches,...and chips, and, oh, 
welly bobs and fishing in the beck for eels - using a fork with barbs on!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "dave.mdv via Tech1" <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
To: <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2019 9:08 PM
Subject: [Tech1] Domestic query

> When I was but a wee kiddy many years ago, my Mum always used lard for 
> frying etc. Nowadays oil seems to the most popular. I researched oils, as 
> you do, and found that grapeseed oil is the best to use as it has a very 
> high smoke point compared with olive oil etc. and so fewer cancerous 
> products are formed. The downside is, as far as I am concerned, is that 
> the deposits left on the hob turn into a very rubbery gel which is f***ing 
> hard to remove without a razor blade! Has anyone found a spray on 
> de-greaser to soften it and preferably to remove it? I have tried dozens! 
> I may have to go back to Mum's method (which tastes better anyway!). 
> Cheers, Dave
> -- 
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