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dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 3 16:26:18 CST 2019

So, here I am back at home home after an eight day stay with my daughter 
in lovely Somerset, lots of good food and wine, pleasant company, etc. 
and a trouble free drive back today (even passing Stonehenge at 60 mph 
for the first time ever!). So what do I find when I get back to my 
frozen house? A boiler which was working perfectly when I left won't 
light, the batteries in the PC mouse had self-discharged, the central 
heating 'Miniminder' programmer wouldn't work until I changed the 
battery, the lower half-oven tripped the RCD when I turned it on to warm 
the plates, my broadband cockpit program won't find any mains adapters 
in the system despite re-installing them all..... and so it goes on! 
When we moved in in 1973 we had one fan heater and two open coal fires 
plus a smokey Raeburn for the hot water. Now we have two great gas 
fires, another ceramic fan heater, electric blankets and an immersion 
heater for hot water. My wife thinks we are at death's door! I say, 
think about the refugees in the Syrian mountains with none of our 
facilities. A Happy New Year to you All! Cheers, Dave

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