[Tech1] New Horizons/Ultima Thule

Alasdair Lawrance alawrance1 at me.com
Tue Jan 1 14:21:46 CST 2019

Like many, I suspect, I'm astonished by this craft sending back data and pictures (eventually) from the edge of the Galaxy .

It's apparently travelling at 47km/sec, and it takes well over 6 hours for the data to reach us, ( and presumably the same for our instructions to reach it), and it has a ERP of 15w, and is about 6.5 billion km from us.

When I remember the trouble we used to have with radio mics across a school playground in my ILEA days, I am again, in awe!  Talk about pointing a torch at the moon.

Alasdair Lawrance

Sent from my iPad2

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