[Tech1] Booms Booms ...

Martin Eccles martin at theeccles.uk
Fri Aug 23 04:49:37 CDT 2019


Hi Alex,

The JL Fisher website has specifications of all the boom variations...




The BBC had modified model 6 bases with manual pump and modified model 7 arms but as to what length I cannot remember.


They were modified because the Americans worked sitting down with their hands almost above their heads and we worked stood up so that body weight could be used to move the arm about so the platform had to be fixed closer relative to the arm on top of the column.


After the Mole booms that took an STC 4033 mic, the Fishers started off with an AKG D25 then later an AKG C451 as standard microphones.


Still searching for my Fisher Boom workshop manual...





-----Original Message-----

From: Tech1 < <mailto:tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of Alec Bray via Tech1

Sent: 23 August 2019 09:37

To: TechOps Forum < <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>

Subject: [Tech1] Booms Booms ...


Hello to the men of sound,


Have any of you got dimensions for the microphone booms, such as the Mole Richardson and the Fisher (those being the only two that I know!): 

size (width and length), platform heights, max and min boom reach and so on, cradles, types of mics allowed etc , and any manufacturing info, usage considerations and so on?


What about hand-held "booms" (query what are these called?).


I have quite a bot of info about camera mounts but nothing about the "equivalents" for microphones  (showing my ignorance of sound matters here... sorry!)




Best Regards




Alec Bray


 <mailto:alec.bray.2 at gmail.com> alec.bray.2 at gmail.com

mob:    07789 561 346

home:   0118 981 7502





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