[Tech1] Any Information on Vinten pedestals etc gratefully received!

Graeme Wall graeme.wall at icloud.com
Sat Aug 17 06:39:02 CDT 2019

On the subject of cranes, the Mole had a 1:1 arm but the Nike was a 2:1 arm necessitating double the amount of lead in the bucket to balance the camera and cameraman on the other end.  IIRC the Atlantic was the same.

Somewhere I Ihave a GTC booklet on camera cranes, if I can find it I’ll scan it and email it to you.

Graeme Wall

> On 17 Aug 2019, at 09:06, Alec Bray via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In a rash moment I volunteered to give a talk to the local Model Engineering Club (RSME) about television technology in the pre-digital age - covering things like pedestals, cranes etc and anything that could tie into "engineering" at its loosest.
> Starting on this, I realised that I didn't have the slightest notion of HOW the Vinten Hydraulic pedestal was balanced, using those gas cylinders!   It just worked..  So any information on that would be gratefully received (as would any drawings, e.g. a GA).  I am guessing that a similar arrangement was used to balance the crane arm in the Vinten Heron - or was it?
> I have seen pictures of the Nike crane and the Transatlantic, but personally I never came across these, so any info beyond what is already on the Tech Ops site would be of great interest.
> On the sound side, I came across BTR2 tape machines and TD7 grams decks, but are there any mechanical niceties for these that would be on interest, e.g., rotation synchronisation on the grams desks, and how did the BTR2s manage to go at any speed (on a rotating handle) and yet still do the standard speeds!  What other things should I consider?  Stringing on the Mole Boom, for instance how many pulleys ...
> It's when I start on something like this, I realise just how little I really know!  Help! Any info would be very welcome.  I might be able to consolidate it for the Tech Ops web site.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Alec
> Alec Bray
> alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
> mob:    07789 561 346
> home:   0118 981 7502
> -- 
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