[Tech1] A request to the people of Sound

Martin Eccles martin at theeccles.uk
Thu Sep 6 18:21:18 CDT 2018


Here is ORBEMS page about grams from its great site of all things Old Broadcasting…






Martin. E.



From: Tech1 <tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of Mike Giles via Tech1
Sent: 06 September 2018 22:38
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] A request to the people of Sound


The TD7 had two turntables and three rotary faders on the front panel. The middle fader was for a microphone to allow the operator to make announcements ~ largely applicable to Bush House, I believe. Unlike later turntables, the stylus was angled, so you couldn’t scrub to locate an in-point. This also reminds me that recordings requiring more than one disc often had alternating tracking, so that the first disc would play from the outside in, then the second would play from the inside ~ this enabled less noticeable changeovers as the quality of recordings deteriorated towards the centre of the disc, where the stylus to groove velocity reduced with decreasing radius. For continuous material, mainly music, there was usually a significant overlap between discs, to allow the operator to sync the succeeding disc with the one currently on air and I remember practising changeovers at Wood Norton, but I never had to do it in earnest.


Mike G

On 6 Sep 2018, at 21:20, John Howell via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> > wrote:


Here's a TD7, it tracked at 2.5oz. If you're talking of the 1960s I don't believe there were ever any at TV Centre.

'Grams' at TVC were twin units called RP2s and were Garrard 301 tuntables with fast start facilities. They had Tannoy variable reluctance cartridges which 'turned over' to give a choice of fine or coarse groove stylii.

The last TD7s in West London Television were at Lime Grove Studios D,E, G, and R and were replced just as I started on Grams (just as well really).

John Howell.

On 06/09/2018 19:50, doug.prior--- via Tech1 wrote:

Hi Alec  


It was a BBC TD7


In my earlier radio studio testing duties we were told the method of setting the tone arm was to place the needle on you finger - increase the weight till it drew blood and take it back a notch. Happy days


Doug Prior

----Original Message----
From: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 
Date: 06/09/2018 17:00
To: "TechOps Forum" <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Subj: [Tech1] A request to the people of Sound


What were the old heavy cumbersome record decks in the TC studios Sound 
Galleries in the mid 1960s?  I think they had moving coil pickups (they 
were heavy) and had straight arms: mainly ran at 78 rpm IIRC..

Even better, if you have a picture of one, that would be magic (it's for 
a U3A talk/presentation).

I have had a troll round the internet and the Tech Ops archives, without 
success as yet.

Thanks in advance!


Best Regards


Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com <mailto:alec.bray.2 at gmail.com> 
mob:    07789 561 346
home:   0118 981 7502

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