[Tech1] Any ideas for composite decking?

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 03:39:13 CDT 2018

We have an intermittent rat problem. Every couple of years I have to go 
into extermination mode. We now have three of those box things that you 
see at supermarkets by the walls.  I don't like poisoning, so at one 
point I bought an air gun, the most powerful you could legally have.  I 
did manage to shoot three rats, but the endless waiting got tedious.  We 
live slightly in the country(ish) - neither weor the neighbours are into 
fast food dumping we don't put bread out for the birds as we used to. 
And still they come....


On 05/09/2018 21:22, Tony Grant via Tech1 wrote:
> Ah, I knew I could find useful advice here. OK, I forgot to mention 
> that this will be decking raised above ground level, to enjoy the view 
> across the sea. And we've already had rat problems, since we live in 
> the country, and there's every kind of animal/bird/insect, etc you 
> could wish to see. The local council's pest control is good, but we 
> have to pay a fee of £48. The best deterrent is a cat, but we don't 
> want to have any animals of our own.
> Anyway, raised decking, so hopefully no extra rat insurgents. I hadn't 
> thought of heat/expansion problems, and so will need to consider this 
> and make enquiries of suppliers if we decide to go ahead with the 
> idea. Whilst mentioning all creatures great and small in passing, we 
> also have newts in our pond, so mustn't muddy too many waters.
> TeaTeaFN - Tony
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 3:23 PM chris.booth--- via Tech1 
> <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:
>     I had a large deck installed in 2011 – the material was a
>     composite, trade name Twinsen.
>     The only problem was that the planks ‘stretched’ in the heat and
>     threatened to buckle – by this time the installer had gone broke,
>     but I managed to find one of his original team to trim and refit
>     the planks.
>     Still going fine despite that.....and no rats either even though
>     next door neighbour has chicken!
>     ----------
>     Chris B
>     *From:* Geoff Fletcher via Tech1
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, September 5, 2018 3:04 PM
>     *To:* Nick Ware
>     *Cc:* tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>     *Subject:* Re: [Tech1] Any ideas for composite decking?
>     I was just going to point out the rat problem Nick. You beat me to
>     it my friend. It can be a damn nuscience.
>     Geoff F
>     On Wed, 5 Sep 2018 at 14:34, Nick Ware via Tech1
>     <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>         Actually, an interesting irrelevancy maybe, but I’ve got to
>         know the local Council pest controller quite well in the last
>         couple of years. He used to work full-time for the Borough
>         Council until he was made redundant and pest control was
>         outsourced to an outside company. That company? Him! Now he
>         says he earns far more than he did as a Council employee. If I
>         call the Council for pest control assistance, the service is
>         free, but as a local tax payer paying £306.00 per month (x10
>         PA) I have to wonder how free?! And then there’s the bin men,
>         the recycling centre, etc., etc. All outsourced.
>         Nick.
>         Sent from my iPad
>         On 5 Sep 2018, at 15:14, Peter Fox <peter.fox at tiscali.co.uk>
>         wrote:
>>         I concur with Nick, although our neighbour wasn't in denial
>>         about Roland and family. He also paid out twice by replacing
>>         the decking next to the house with slates. In fact he paid
>>         out three times because he had a new decking of grey painted
>>         wood put at the top of the garden instead, and within months
>>         (it seemed,) it started curling up and warping here and
>>         there. I know nothing about composite decking but if it
>>         doesn't warp then go for it! At least the rats all left
>>         Peter F
>>         On 05/09/2018 13:31, Nick Ware via Tech1 wrote:
>>>         A neighbour of mine spent a lot of money having fairly
>>>         extensive decking put down about eight years ago in his back
>>>         garden, and very nice it was. Now, in the last couple of
>>>         months he’s had it all taken up and replaced with posh
>>>         paving slabs because the decking was a perfect haven for
>>>         rats. Unfortunately we have an ongoing problem with some
>>>         scruffy inconsiderate other neighbours nearby who leave out
>>>         food waste and packaging that attracts rats. They of course
>>>         deny that they are the cause of the problem. We never had
>>>         rats before they came along, and it’s not (dare I say?) the
>>>         sort of area you’d expect rats.
>>>         My advice would be, know your neighbours’ habits before
>>>         considering decking.
>>>         I hope that doesn’t sound pessimistic or negative, but it is
>>>         worth being aware.
>>>         Best regards,
>>>         Nick.
>>>         Sent from my iPad
>>>         On 5 Sep 2018, at 11:32, Tony Grant via Tech1
>>>         <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>         Good morning,
>>>>         I'm contemplating having some decking in part of the
>>>>         garden, and if so, would probably go for composite, since
>>>>         I'm not going to be willing (or able!) to keep maintaining
>>>>         it over the coming years. Have you got any ideas,
>>>>         suggestions, caveats with what to look out for, etc.?
>>>>         TeaTeaFN - Tony
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