[Tech1] 'Flu jab

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 03:53:32 CDT 2018

Over 65s get Fluad this year - https://www.fluad.com/


On 19/10/2018 23:16, Geoffrey Hawkes via Tech1 wrote:
> I had the jab three weeks ago and apart from it making my arm a tiny bit painful, I had no reaction whatever. I don't get much of a reaction to the flu jab anyway but this time it was particularly mild and I hardly noticed it.
> It was advertised for over 65's and someone was telling me tonight that it isn't the usual mix but is designed to lessen the effects of flu if you catch it. It's all a gamble as to whether there will be an outbreak this winter. I just think that I wouldn't want flu and if this helps avoid it, it's worth having.
> People who've had a bad reaction to the vaccine may think otherwise. My wife always declines even though she's never tried it, being generally medication averse as some people are and that's their choice,
> Geoff
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 19 Oct 2018, at 21:38, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> Has anyone else reacted badly to this year's 'flu jab? The medics always insist that it is a passive vaccine and will not give you 'flu symptoms. However, last year my brother-in-law was very ill for a couple of weeks and a friend of my wife was also afflicted. This year it is a new 'advanced' vaccine being rolled out universally. I don't normally react to the jab but this year I have had a sore throat followed by a runny nose and a very tickly cough for over a week, resulting in my ribs being so painful that I dread the next cough! Any other sufferers? Cheers, Dave
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