[Tech1] Tenerife was Here's an Oddity

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 17 15:40:49 CDT 2018

Typical! If you want a really scary trip try visiting Skippers Canyon on 
New Zealand's South Island, near Queenstown. You travel, with eyes 
tightly closed (!), in old Toyota SUVs converted to 4-wheel drive by the 
owners(!), along an adverse camber gravel path alongside a mountain with 
nothing to stop a gentle slide into the abyss! Spectacular views down 
onto the white-water rafting hundreds of feet below, ending up over a 
rickety bridge at a small school building. The kids used to get there by 
crossing a narrow bridge (where lunatincs now bungy jump from!) with hot 
stones in their pockets to ward off the frostbite. A nice lunch and back 
by the same terrifying route. I've got the baseball cap to prove we 
survived but it was a tight sphincter day all round! Cheers, Dave.

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