[Tech1] Iceland was Tenerife was Here's an Oddity

patheigham pat.heigham at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 16 08:51:19 CDT 2018

Yeah! If it wooshed out through the Straits of Gibraltar,
that could be interesting.
The Bond plot thickens, - villain planning a double hit!
Some years ago, working on a schools programme for
Thames, a shoot around Iceland was most educational
for the crew! We went to Vestmannaeyjar, an offshore
island where their volcano spat out loads of lava, which
threatened to block up the harbour, rendering the fishing
fleet useless. They played firehoses onto the flowing
lava to solidify it. This happened before our visit, but
one could put a hand down on the ground and not be
able to leave it too long as it was v. hot.
The volcano issued a load of ash which settled on the tarmac
roads of the village before the lava rolled over.
When the islanders tidied up, they discovered that the ash
had insulated the roadway from damage by the lava, so
swept it all up and flogged it to the West Germans to be
compressed into sheets for house insulation. Brilliant!
I took some 8mm cine footage of the trip, and ran it
for the crew in the equipment room at Thames Euston.
This nearly caused a strike from the Thames NAKTE
drivers, as it was obvious that we were self driving
Landrovers and they wanted to know why they weren’t
taken on the trip!
We were transported around the island by Twin Otter
Aircraft – would they have wanted to pilot those?? 
Lovely Pam Rhodes was our on camera presenter
and rescued a baby puffin, returned to a nesting site.
Rather worryingly, puffin, in various forms was on the
hotel’s menu.
Well, we do eat chicken and conveniently ignore
little yellow fluffy chicks!
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: David Carter via Tech1
Sent: 16 October 2018 14:07
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Tenerife was Here's an Oddity

I just hope it doesn't occur at the same time as Etna falling into the Med.  http://imbibe.com/news-articles/drinks/mount-etna-sliding-sea-say-scientists/


----Original message----
>From : tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Date : 16/10/2018 - 13:57 (BST)
To : ohbytheway.tv at gmail.com, pat.heigham at btinternet.com, rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Cc : tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject : Re: [Tech1] Tenerife was Here's an Oddity
Visiting Tenerife for some sun after a Christmas, renting a car,
and driving up the spine of the island was a nail-biting nightmare
sequence, as the narrow spine road had no safety barriers
and a 45 degree scree slope either side.
If one had drifted off the road, there was nothing to prevent
a downward journey until launched into the Atlantic!
I gather that there is a volcanic fault in the Canaries, which if a huge mass
breaks off and collapses into the ocean ,it could cause
a tidal wave which might well engulf New York!
Now that could be a plot for a Bond film – to have the villain
intending to start the split! (with POTUS standing on the top
of the Statue of Liberty so as not to get his feet wet!)

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