[Tech1] to Course pics

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Sun Nov 25 14:07:04 CST 2018

Re the TO15 photo :-

3 = Rod Stebbing;    4 = Roy Chambers;   8 = JFW 'Chas' Chester;   9 = Sam 
Wilson;   10 = Reg Smythe;    13 = poss Dave Geen?;
The chap identified as Rod Stebbing is definitely not Rod (see 3 above). It 
might be Don Fraser?

Possible names for the blanks might include J.C. Richards and J.F. Pond.

Great to see this initiative

Dave Newbitt.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Dave Plowman via Tech1
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 3:07 PM
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] to Course pics

In article <94cfa06d-4c92-1349-32bc-c4d4a4ae1b59 at gmail.com>,
   Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Thank you, very kind.

> I don't know about you lot, but I now have a large number of posts with
> names and speculative names about different courses, all mixed together.

> It would be good, I think, if someone who isn't me or Alex could do a
> collation job on as many pics as possible. Then I'll put them all on a
> page with captions. Some, like TO25, are fully done already, some are 
> empty.

> The ones I have from the email list are now here -
> http://www.tech-ops.co.uk/bern/evesham/

> Volunteers please

Other thing that would be nice would be a list from the course of those
attending it. I'm sure they existed - just can't find mine. I have found
the files I've got containing most of my other course stuff.

I'm sure it would jog memories and help fit names to faces.

*Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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