[Tech1] course photos - TO19 particularly

Dave Buckley david.jasma at sky.com
Sun Nov 25 07:26:07 CST 2018

Having looked at the photos from this course, I recognise at least four
people I have worked with in later years, but not in the areas that the
course covered.........

TV section A-H:
Middle row 2nd in from right - Bryn Edwards. I think he went on to be a
Studio Manager at TC as he came across to the Woodstock Grove Training
studio on occasions.

Radio section O-Z:
Back row 2nd from right - Ian Sanson. He went to TFS Ealing as a sound
Also back row, 2nd from left - Bob Saunders - there was a dubbing mixer at
TFS called Bob Saunders, is this the same person?

Middle row of the A-H photo, 2nd in right - John Hale. I worked with him in
dubbing theatre X where he was a dubbing mixer around 1967/8.

Dave Buckley

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