[Tech1] BWBF

Mike Jordan mikej at bmanor.co.uk
Sun May 20 05:28:42 CDT 2018

The Sonata “streamed service” I believe pairs with their special internet connected new trendy box and maybe it has to be uploaded by them.
Our system works in that we burn about 100 USB sticks in packs with post paid for by government which are collected by Postie (at precisely 16:30 or he gets told off or we are late editing/burning, we have to  put them all into red post box as post offices are supposed to take them in sack, undo it, check contents etc etc – whilst my friendly post office lets me just put it out for their normal collection. These work with older style boxes and heard sticks are put back into normal post box and delivered back to us for erasing/reusing.
We also upload to BWBF webspace either to work in mediaplayer or their special format. I do that on return home after a tea!
Getting information is harder now as our local (was) free paper doesn’t come out till very much late now so misses recording and anyway is full of c**p from other areas as Trinity Mirror goes bust due to downturn in estate agents ads and general ads. They are trying to get newsagents/shops to pay in advance and hopefully get money back on sale but most not willing.
Lots of stuff comes from local group pages and shared between charities.
I guess it will only get worse.

From: Hugh Sheppard 
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 10:38 AM
To: Mike Jordan ; patheigham ; Alasdair Lawrance ; Tech Ops List 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] BWBF

Thanks, Mike - I should have said that talking LOCAL Newspapers have long been around, but still seem to be primarily as recordings, not live here and now. 

The Oz service is broadcast live and is up to the minute, primarily read from that day's national press.  Whatever the 'Sonata' streamed service is, it says 'Simply send us a memory stick which we will upload' while its website is all about the equipment. Googling for a Sonata or bwbf radio schedule retrieved zilch. That doesn't sound very live to me. I'm impressed with just how many UK services there are, albeit none seem to be live, live; or to major on the national daily, weekly or magazine press. Or is your experience different? 


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