[Tech1] 416 on active duty

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 12 13:00:48 CDT 2018

My PSC's 416, as vandalised by a Royal Navy comedian,  during Noel 
Edmonds' Christmas Show, 1987, on board HMS Scylla - escorting oil 
tankers round the Straits of Hormuz. Cheers, Dave.

On 12/06/2018 14:33, Dave Buckley via Tech1 wrote:
> TV Training had four PSC kits which used 416s all with furry windgags which
> we referred to as 'doogles' for obvious reasons! When bought they each came
> with a small brush with stiff bristles so that any tangles could be brushed
> out. Also the washing instructions stated 'hand wash in warm water with soap
> flakes' (or words to that effect). I bought a box of 'Dreft' soap flakes and
> when any windgag looked as though it wanted a clean, took it home overnight
> and washed it.
> One weekend, I borrowed one of the mics with a doogle windgag, plus the
> departments Nagra to record a series of interviews at the Grimsdyke Hotel in
> Harrow Weald (one time home of Gilbert of G and S fame). When not in use I
> would hold the mic under my arm, which from the back looked as though I was
> carrying a small dog. While in a marquee in the ground, I was tapped on the
> shoulder and turned round to see a policeman with a big grin on his face,
> who said that dogs weren't allowed in the tent! It was a pity that the
> business end of the mic didn't have mouth, nose and two eyes stuck on as
> this would have made the joke even funnier!
> In TVTs training studio, the problem with noisy AKG capsules was to turn on
> a spare 1K lantern and sit the offending units under the beam to dry them
> out.
> Dave Buckley
> ---
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