[Tech1] 416 windgags

David Denness ohbytheway.tv at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 11:40:05 CDT 2018

Not just voicing it but writing the children’s scripts replacing the political voice over from France, where the series originated.


Dave D


David Denness

2 Cambridge Park Court

Twickenham TW1 2JN

07836 371108




From: Tech1 <tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of Colin Hassell via Tech1
Sent: 12 June 2018 16:53
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] 416 windgags


When I used to watch Magic Roundabout it was Eric Thompson voicing it.

Colin Hassell

colin at colinhassell.com <mailto:colin at colinhassell.com> 
St Albans



On 12 Jun 2018, at 14:40, Nick Ware via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> > wrote:

Pretty sure it’s “Dougal” as in Magic Roundabout, voiced by Robbie Williams.


Sent from my iPad

On 12 Jun 2018, at 14:33, Dave Buckley via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> > wrote:

TV Training had four PSC kits which used 416s all with furry windgags which
we referred to as 'doogles' for obvious reasons! When bought they each came
with a small brush with stiff bristles so that any tangles could be brushed
out. Also the washing instructions stated 'hand wash in warm water with soap
flakes' (or words to that effect). I bought a box of 'Dreft' soap flakes and
when any windgag looked as though it wanted a clean, took it home overnight
and washed it.

One weekend, I borrowed one of the mics with a doogle windgag, plus the
departments Nagra to record a series of interviews at the Grimsdyke Hotel in
Harrow Weald (one time home of Gilbert of G and S fame). When not in use I
would hold the mic under my arm, which from the back looked as though I was
carrying a small dog. While in a marquee in the ground, I was tapped on the
shoulder and turned round to see a policeman with a big grin on his face,
who said that dogs weren't allowed in the tent! It was a pity that the
business end of the mic didn't have mouth, nose and two eyes stuck on as
this would have made the joke even funnier!

In TVTs training studio, the problem with noisy AKG capsules was to turn on
a spare 1K lantern and sit the offending units under the beam to dry them

Dave Buckley

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