[Tech1] A Good Job with Prospects

ROGER BUNCE rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 4 03:20:52 CDT 2018

Hi All,
Can I pick everyone's brains? If any are still functioning?
In my old age I've been trying to make a small collection of old TV Programmes which feature 'behind the scenes' views of people working in TV, particularly at TV Centre. Long, long ago, I remember seeing a Schools' Programme called "A Good Job with Prospects", which covered technical jobs in Television, and featured our own Geoff Feld. According to BBC Genome, it was broadcast on 5th March 1984, on BBC 2. (and probably repeated a lot, as was the way with schools' programmes.) 
Its says - "9.10 A Good Job with Prospects, Technical Jobs in TelevisionWorking with a camera, in television sound, or as a videotape editor needs reasonable skill with science and maths - and artistic sensitivity. Producer Ronald Smedley" 
(What do they mean 'REASONABLE'? Huh!)
So -
Does anyone know if this still exists?Does anyone have a copy? (Unlikely, I know. VHS had been invented by then, but home recording was still quite rare.)
luv, Rog.
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