[Tech1] BBC training

Alec Bray alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 03:17:39 CDT 2018

Hi all,

Following on from Dave's comments

> There is likely to be at least some lighting compromise to allow this.

Firstly, here are a set of photographs of an Experiment in Portrait 
Lighting taken from BBC Engineering Training Supplement No. 7  - Basic 
Principles of Television Lighting - by H.O. Simpson and R. de B. 
McCullough - and written in 1952 (!!),

The whole booklet is 44 pages long, so might be a while before I scan 
all of it!

Apologies if the pictures are moiréd - scanning density versus half-tone 
screening - hope it doesn't spoil the impression for you!

At Evesham, when we had to do the portrait lighting exercise, I wrote a 
critique of the portrait we made, going to town over the shadow thrown 
by the nose. The assignment came back with the laconic comment 
"...Typical television nose shadow..."


Also attached is another one of my store of reprints, this one in 
connection with Vision Control.  The Institution of Electrical 
Paper No. 3976 E   June 1963.  In it, the authors write:

"...As the final run-through or transmission approaches, the operator 
will have become conversant with the run of the production,
and vision control adjustments will have been reduced to a minimum..."

So that's why, at the end of a program with six cameras, 2 TK channels 
and VT, I used to end up drenched with sweat!!

I've linked 1 file to this email:
<https://app.box.com/s/vydutyt8e0r6wiomvv1967hqigxpeln0>(13.4 MB)Box 
Mozilla Thunderbird <http://www.getthunderbird.com> makes it easy to 
share large files over email.

I hope that Box is working for you: the benefit is, that those who don't 
want to download the article don't have their inboxes crammed with 
stuff.  Hope it is OK.


Best Regards


Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
mob:     07789 561 346
home:  0118 942 9543

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