[Tech1] Eng Div Reprint: Rank Cintel Telecine

Chris Pocock chrisandmarg at metronet.co.uk
Mon Jul 30 15:54:46 CDT 2018

Hi All,
Maybe the last of Alec’s reprints but I have some more for anyone who is interested!
My Initial Course at Evesham started 27th May 1963 – I think Alec was on it. STO Course 24 from 23/09/67 to 22/12/67was followed by Sound Training Course 12.

I have all my notes and hand-outs from those courses (supposed to be getting rid of them sometime!)

They include;

Engineering Training Supplement No7
Basic Principals of television lighting  BBC (1952)

BBC Engineering Division Reprint Articles.

Video tape recorder design. Reprint Article No. A18

The Plumbicon - A camera tube with a photoconductive lead oxide layer. Reprint Article No.A71

Camera tubes for studio use- A semi-technical appraisal for educators Reprint Article No. A.49

Television Studio Lighting Equipment. Reprint Article No. A.27   I think you have this already.

The Use of Pulse Code Modulation for Point-to-Point Music Transmission. Reprint Article No. A85

Reprint from The Journal of The British Institution of Radio Engineers. (May 1960)
Some aspects of vidicon performance (Research Labs of EMI)

>From Sound Training Course

Technical Instruction - Microphone Data Sheets updated July 1970 BBC Eng. Div.

Instructions on use of Sound desks; Calrec, Neve, Pye, EMI

also Mellotron, Ambiophony

Last but not least Staff Instruction 304 29th June 1970 Conditions of Service: Monthly Staff in OP, AS, and SC Structures working in the UK.

Alas, I have not copied any yet but let me know if you are interested.

Chris Pocock

From: Alec Bray via Tech1  

Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 4:02 PM
To: Tech Ops 
Subject: [Tech1] Eng Div Reprint: Rank Cintel Telecine

This is the LAST one of my Engineering Division reprints.  All good things have to come to an end!

If anyone has other Engineering Division reprints, I, for one, would be pleased to see them.  Hopefully - IF it is OK with Bernie - we can put them on the Tech Ops web site (the reprints were originally intended  for us and TAs, amongst others!)

BTW, no one commented about the missing second page of the Testing and Operation of IO paper:  this page was blank in my copy of the reprint! If anyone can supply the missing page ...


Best Regards


Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
mob:     07789 561 346
home:  0118 942 9543
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