[Tech1] Can I take you back to the summer of 1986...? (photo ident question)

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Mon Dec 31 09:01:19 CST 2018

And now, nearly 20 years into the 21st Century, I find myself doing mostly corporate work. A typical setup will be two Canon C300 Mk2 cameras, that camera being such a contraption I have to build them every time. Invariably we shoot the same size all the way through, but on 4k so that the editor can re-frame in Post. Cfast cards are so expensive that we have to carry a laptop and portable HDD’s to copy the material off for the client. At 4k that can waste an hour after the shoot finishes, longer than the de-rig itself takes. Mostly, the client is in the US, doing the interview over FaceTime. We wrap, do the copying, then have to find a FedEx pickup point to send the HDD overnight. Oh, and on top of all that, there’s the mp3 to upload.
Oh for the days when we just popped the tape and handed it over, then walked away. That’s the nostalgic bit!
But hey, the money’s good, so keep it coming!
Happy New Year to you all.
Sent from my iPad

On 31 Dec 2018, at 13:35, Roger E Long <relong at btinternet.com<mailto:relong at btinternet.com>> wrote:

Those early tube cameras and portable vtrs were really dreadful bits of Kit
Especially Sony
We preferred the Ike, it seemed slightly film like in its ergonomics
We had a conference weekend with Sony, in a plush hotel, a nice freebie, they even gave us a Sony branded Swiss army knife!
We showed them a Nagra IV and a Arri Sr, also a SQN mixer
Still they came back with a ghastley compromise, even with the early chip Beta Cams
The Sony DigiBeta got somewhere near a good solution, it then all went tits up with the Sony PD150 and cheap and cheerful one man band ’self shooters’
For this I blame the BBC and its Community Affairs unit, which enabled a host of idiots to pick up camera and wobble.
Im not nostalgic for all that
We went backwards from crystal sync freedom ,and the ingenious Swiss Nagra to servitude and machine minding….
On 31 Dec 2018, at 12:22, Ian H via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:

Beeb News used Ikegami with separate BVU recorders.  ITN used Sony kit.
(contribution ends)

On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 11:03 AM Nick Ware via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:
I think the foreground camera is a Sony BVP-30p tube front end with a BVV-1 onboard Betacam recorder. The later BVV-5 Beta SP was a darker grey colour. Just guessing, but I think chip cameras were a fair bit later than plain old Betacam. The sound recordist next to him seems  dis-interinterested in him, so BVP-30 man could be on hs own with camera mic.
The guy top right has a BVW-35 round his neck, or if he’s really unlucky it might be a BVU-110 (U-matic), or even worse, a 1” BVH-500. His long mic, a Sennheiser 805 or 815 in Rycote. No telling what that camera is, or who they are.
A nice frozen moment in time, though - quite nostalgic.
Sent from my iPad

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