[Tech1] car stuff

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Tue Dec 25 05:56:29 CST 2018

Glad it was just that.

It means the carb settings should be essentially correct and just need 

Water in fuel lines is a right pain.

Chris Woolf

On 24/12/2018 23:27, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 wrote:
> I finally got the thing to run again.  I emptied the fuel tank into a 
> big plastic tank, then put a bottle of Wynn's Dry Fuel into the car's 
> empty tank, then put most of the settled fuel back, hopefully leaving 
> the water behind. It started with a lot of steam in the exhaust. Now 
> all I have to do is get the emissions right
> B
> On 16/12/2018 16:51, Chris Woolf via Tech1 wrote:
>> Yup, that does look very "watery".  I've had a bit to do with 
>> horticultural machinery that frequently sits unused for many months, 
>> and seen exactly that sort of deposit. I think its a mixture of 
>> condensation, dissolved water, and leaching from the various hoses 
>> and joints - pretty unpleasant stuff that normally just gets sucked 
>> through in a constantly used machine.
>> Daft that they glued the gasket on - one of their selling points is 
>> that the joint is above float level, and therefore not prone to 
>> leaks. Or is that the gasket is a sized paper type that has 
>> deteriorated and formed its own glue when in contact with petrol 
>> and/or water?
>> Chris Woolf
>> On 16/12/2018 15:04, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 wrote:
>>> Well, it looks very likely that water is the problem. Having taken 
>>> the carb off the engine I turned it upside down outside to empty the 
>>> float chambers.  A lot of brown liquid came out.
>>> I've taken the top off now - although in the YouTube videos this 
>>> looks easy, the manufacturer had helpfully glued the gasket on to 
>>> mine, which made removal both difficult and messy, and has cost me 
>>> the price of a new gasket set from Rimmer. In the videos the thing 
>>> comes off clean, but I've spent half the morning scraping, and will 
>>> have to do a load more work to make sure I didn't drop bits into the 
>>> system. You can see the inside of one of the float chambers below - 
>>> still brown.
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