[Tech1] Class

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Thu Aug 23 08:56:59 CDT 2018

M'dear, if you have "class" then you don't need to tell anyone that you 
have it...

Chris Woolf

On 23/08/2018 14:32, Alasdair Lawrance via Tech1 wrote:
> Definitely middle class. Why?  Personalised number plate and a gas 
> barbecue, that’s why!
> Alasdair Lawrance
> alawrance1 at me.com <mailto:alawrance1 at me.com>
> Sent from my iPhone4
> On 23 Aug 2018, at 10:40, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 
> <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:
> Jeremy Corbyn apparently wants the staff of the BBC to declare 
> ethnicity, religion, gender, class etc.   I can't help thinking that 
> if it were done he'd get a good number of Jedi Knights and "I'm think 
> about being transgender", but what interested me was the class bit .
> I grew up by anyone's definition as working class, not far off a Monty 
> Python sketch, but these days I am quite obviously middle class - big 
> house etc. When did I change?  I rather think it was the day - 25th 
> April 1966 - when I joined tech ops.  Or was it a long gradual 
> process? What are you these days - what would you put down?
> B
> -- 
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