[Tech1] HDEV

David Wagner davewagner at gmx.com
Sun Aug 5 14:58:26 CDT 2018

I do like the homage to 2001


Nice one Bernie


From: Tech1 [mailto:tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk] On Behalf Of Bernard Newnham via Tech1
Sent: 04 August 2018 21:59
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: [Tech1] HDEV


I've been watching the output of the HDEV cameras on the ISS - https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/  - a set of high definition cameras that look down at the earth. Sometimes you get a forward looking view, sometimes down and sometimes back.  Sunsets are amazing.   

The other evening I was watching at dusk, and realised that the ISS was about to go right over us. I went outside and there it was - a fast moving light in the sky.

This evening it passed over well before sunset, so I recorded the output and added appropriate sound. It starts over the Caribbean, and I think the land near the beginning may be Cuba. Near the end there's us - Wales and Cornwall are very clear.  I've speeded it up to about 2.5 times, and there seem to be the odd jerkiness that isn't in the original live feed.  

See it at -   https://youtu.be/v9SYrgeYqQ0 >Make it full screen and enjoy the view. Flat Earthers should leave now


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