[Tech1] Film Copyright

Peter Neill peter.neill at icloud.com
Sun Apr 15 16:54:16 CDT 2018

Hi Dave,

I’ve asked Sarah Cronin-Stanley who runs the Talking Pictures TV channel. She replied:

Hi Peter
The law of “public domain” or out of copyright doesn’t really exist in the U.K., if you tell me what the film is Noel will know where the rightsholders are.
Best wishes

So let me know and we’ll find out. 


Sent from my iPhone. Apologies for typos and strange autocorrections. 

> On 15 Apr 2018, at 18:58, David Lawson via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Has anyone here got any useful knowledge of copyright of feature films. I am involved with a local group who want to show a 1966 film believing it is out of copyright. A quick look at google suggests this could happen in 2035 or there abouts. 
> Can anyone give me some more useful info on this as I suspect it could be expensive for them, and me as they want me to do the technical bit.
> Dave Lawson
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